The summer sun shines from a cloudless sky, Dannebrog weather the wind and Danes as tourists pilgrimage to beaches and lakes to cool down.

When the heat really comes on, long queues at ice houses and ice cream parlors are probably like the church amen, but where do you actually find Denmark's Best Ice Cream Parlor today?

We find this out every year by asking you Danes. Below you can see past winners, nominate new places and of course vote for your favorite when voting is underway.

Denmark's Best Ice Cream Parlor

Every year we elect Denmark's Best Ice Cream Parlor, so you can see what places are worth visiting when the need for cool ice cream is at its greatest. Vote for your favorite and see past winners.

2024 / 2025

Due to the development of a new IT system, Denmark's Best Ice Cream Parlor 2024 was not held while all ice cream parlors were open. Therefore, the vote is postponed to 2025.

You can still nominate your favorite here:

Thank you for your nomination 🎉

We have received your nomination and it will be processed soon by our team.

Once we have reviewed it, it will be visible on the list.

Good luck to your favorite.

When the voting ends, we will choose winners for Zealand & Islands, Funen & Islands, South Jutland, Central Jutland, North Jutland and of course the whole of Denmark.

NEW: In previous years, there have been complaints that an ice cream stand can win without making its own ice cream. Our explanation has always been that it is Denmark's Best Ice house and not ice cream, we choose. But as something new this year, and to cater to the places that make their own ice cream, we also choose Denmark's Best Ice among the ice cream shops that end up at the top of the table with homemade ice cream.

As usual, all the ice cream parlors that get over 250 votes get a pin on ours map of the country's best ice cream kiosks.


2023 is the 7th year of the selection of the country's best places to eat ice cream. In the period 4 - 11 April, the Danes were able to vote for their favorite and with over 30,000 votes, this year we can wish congratulations to as many as 31 ice cream parlors who received over 250 votes and which now get a place on our map of the best ice cream parlors …

Congratulations to:

Guf & Kugler in Nibe



The final status:

  1. Guf & Kugler, Nibe - Winner Denmark and Northern Jutland 🥇
  2. The chocolate basket, This place
  3. The Waffle House, Kerteminde – Winner Funen & Islands 🥇
  4. The tuber, Slagelse - Winner Zealand 🥇
  5. Uganda Ismejeri, Kastrup
  6. Ice cream & Pancakes Udbyhøj - Midtjylland wins 🥇
  7. The Old Ice House, Glyngøre
  8. Hjarbæk Ice House, Løgstrup
  9. Mon Ice, Stege
  10. Søpark Kiosk, Maribo
  11. Humlum Fishing rental & camping, Struer
  12. Byens Ice Cream Shop, Randers C
  13. Søster Is, Haderslev – Winner South Jutland 🥇
  14. The private Ice Café in Aabybro Dairy, Aabybro
  15. Ice yard, Aalborg
  16. The Blue Ice House, Faaborg
  17. Havnegrillen Bønnerup, Glesborg
  18. Tirsbæk Strand Kiosk, Vejle
  19. Simested Ice House, Aalestrup
  20. Ice Parlor, Frederiksværk
  21. Is'N'cram, Højer
  22. Nygård Ice cream dairy & Farm shop, Grindsted
  23. Gilleleje-Isen, Gilleleje
  24. Useless DK, Herning
  25. Agger Ice Café, Vestervig
  26. Rømø Bolsjeri & Ice House, Rømø
  27. Vebbestrup Ice Cream, Hobro
  28. The water's edge Falsled
  29. Sisters, Gilleleje
  30. Storhaven, Læsø
  31. Gelato Italia, Svendborg


In 2022, it is the 6th time we nominate Denmark's Best Ice Houses, and never before has there been such a drama to the very last!

In the period 9 - 22 April, the Danes have been able to vote for their favorite, and for a long time it was a couple race between Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde and Guf & Kugler in Nibe.

In the end, however, we were able to nominate the winner:

Congratulations to:

Guf & Kugler in Nibe


The final status:


Guf & Kugler, Nibe

5554 votes


The Waffle House, Kerteminde

5422 votes


Knolden, Slagelse

1303 votes


Vebbestrup Ice Cream, Vebbestrup

1190 votes


Waffle House Rudkøbing, Rudkøbing

1068 votes


Sister Ice, Haderslev

894 votes


The Waffle Corner, Dog Place

523 votes


The Blue Ice House, Faaborg

443 votes

9, Herning

409 votes


Guf & Kugler, Aalborg

359 votes


Humlum Fiskerleje & Camping, Struer

358 votes


Fjellerup Waffle Bakery, Glesborg

337 votes


Provianten, Køge

311 votes


Havnegrillen Bønnerup, Bønnerup Strand

300 votes


Mammis Gelato, Aarhus

284 votes


The ice cutter, Præstø

261 votes


Waffle House, Øster Hurup

259 votes


Vildas Vaffelis, Svendborg

259 votes


Gilleleje-Isen, Gilleleje

257 votes


In 2021, the country's best ice houses will be chosen for the 5th time! It was also the year in which the vast majority of Danes voted, because with over 29,000 SMS votes nationwide, the vote exceeded 2020, where 25,000 votes were cast.

At the top, there has long been a close race between last year's winners from Iskonditoriet in Sønderborg, and Fjellerup Vaffelbageri in Djursland, who from previous years have also been at the top.

For a long time it waved back and forth between the two, but in the end the Central Jews beat the Southern Jews.

In all, 27 ice houses achieved over the 250 votes, and it is now time to congratulate them all:

Congratulations to:

Fjellerup Vaffelbageri


The final position and list of ice houses with over 250 votes:

  1. Fjellerup Waffle Bakery, Glesborg
  2. Iskonditoriet, Sønderborg
  3. Café Stryhns, Hjerting
  4. The ice cabin Oxbjerget, Glostrup
  5. Café Mrs. Dax, Romo
  6. The tuber, Slagelse
  7. Lillis Is, Kolding
  8. Waffle House, Rudkøbing
  9. The Waffle Corner, Dog Place
  10. Guf & Kugler, Nibe
  11. Mammis Gelato, Aarhus
  12. Havnegrillen Bønnerup Strand
  13. The Ice Café, Hvide Sande
  14. Casa Tua, Samsø
  15. The ice cutter, Præstø
  16. Det Lille Ishus, Vejle
  17. Ice * N * Hug, Mounds
  18. The Old Customs House, Præstø
  19. Storhaven, Læsø
  20. Okkels Is, Silkeborg
  21. Harbors Kiosk, Skive
  22., Herning
  23. The Gray Ice House, Tversted
  24. Blåvand Bolcher
  25. Okkels Is Åbyhøj, Aarhus
  26. Mosters Ishus, Højer
  27. Frederiksberg Chokolade, Copenhagen


the ice cream parlor - winner of Denmark's best ice house 2020
The owners of Iskonditoriet in Sønderborg receive this year's diploma

From 23 June to 7 July, Danes have been able to vote for over 130 nominated ice houses. Many thanks to all of you who have given a voice and helped to name the country's best ice houses! Over 25,000 votes (!) Have been cast by text message and via OpdagDanmark app, and it is with great enthusiasm that we can congratulate this year's winner (s) and the 27 ice houses that received over 250 votes, which gives a pin on our map of Denmark's best ice houses.

Congratulations to:


The final status:

  1. Iskonditoriet, Sønderborg - Danmarks og South Jutland's best
  2. Café Mrs. Dax, Romo
  3. The Waffle House, KertemindeFunen's best ice house
  4. The Waffle House Rudkøbing
  5. My IceDream, Aarhus - Central Jutland's best
  6. Lillis Is, Kolding
  7. Marielyst Ice Cream, Væggerløse - Zealand's best
  8. Fjellerup Vaffelbageri
  9. The Waffle Corner, Dog Place
  10. Vebbestrup Is - North Jutland's best
  11. The tuber, Slagelse
  12. Café Midtpunkt, Rømø
  13. Almas Terrace & Caves, Klampenborg
  14. Manolo Gelato, Bagsværd
  15. Mosters Ishus, Odder
  16. Is'N'Kram, Højer
  17. The Ice House, Fredericia
  18. The waffle baker Mariager
  19. Uganda Ismejeri, Kastrup
  20. Mini golf course Saksild, Odder
  21. Skovkroens Ishus, Fjenneslev
  22. Hørhavens Is, Fuglebjerg
  23. Okkels Is Åbyhøj, Aarhus
  24. Freddo, Køge
  25. The Little Waffle Bakery, Nyborg
  26. Okkels Is, Silkeborg
  27., Herning

How did the position in your region end? You can see that here:


Mrs Dax receives the diploma for Denmark's best ice cream shop 2019
Mrs. Dax receives the diploma for best ice house 2019

The final status:

  1. Café Mrs. Dax, Romo
  2. The ice cream waffle, Ribe
  3. Guf and Kugler, Aalborg
  4. The Waffle Corner, Dog Place
  5. Gelato Di Natura
  6. The Waffle House, Kerteminde
  7. Marina's Kitchen, Stubbekøbing
  8. My IceDream, Ry
  9. Ice corner, Skagen
  10. Guf & Kugler, Nibe

See the winners and all participants from the different regions using the buttons below:


A total of 57,742 votes (!) were submitted this year, and the top 10 ended as follows:

  1. Guf & Kugler in Nibe
  2. Ismageriet at Amager
  3. Vaffelhjørnet in Hundested
  4. Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde
  5. Ismageriet in Søborg
  6. Det Blå Ishus in Tversted
  7. Fjellerup Vaffelbageri on Djursland
  8. Lydolphs Isbar in Ringsted
  9. Isvaflen in Ribe
  10. Is Kompagniet in Løkken

Winner in 2017

We have asked followers on OpdagDanmark's Facebook where to find the best ice house in 2017. We have reached over 50,000 Danes and with over 2,000 votes we are now ready to give you the answer.

Top 3 of the country's best places to buy ice cream in 2017:

  1. Det Blå Ishus in Tversted
  2. Guf & Kugler in Nibe
  3. Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde

Big congratulations to the winners

Notable runners: Vebbestrup Ismageri, Fjellerup Waffle Bakery, Ismageriet Amager

the-blue-icehouseThe Premier Ice Cream Flag waves over Det Blå Ishus in Tversted, which with the majority of 2.000 votes can call itself Denmark's Best Ice Cream Parlor 2017.


  1. Alfred Lund Holm

    How can you make a competition with Denmark's best ice cream house when the houses are barely open yet? Isn't it just the ice house with the most followers and who can muster the most SMS votes that wins?

  2. dear

    What's the point when the ice cream parlors give free ice cream for every vote.

    Then they just pay to win.

    This "price" is completely irrelevant!

  3. Anne-MarienDegn

    Best place Knolden.

  4. Nina

    Thought we voted Denmark's best ice house (IS-HUS), where you can bake the waffles and serve whipped cream and guf for the homemade ice cream, for emergency buying ice cream (we still have some ice cream factories in the country), but not 'nebengeschäft' such as hot dogs, sausages, waffles and the like.

  5. Camilla

    I think it's a misleading competition. After all, it's really about who can mobilize the most votes on social media and not whether the ice house in question makes the best ice cream at all.
    It's about whether you're popular locally, whether you know a lot locally, about people's habits and traditions.
    There should be a jury around and taste all the ice cream if it is to be serious and fair.
    With us locally, I know that many vote for the local nominated ice house even though they like the ice cream the other local place and would buy the ice cream there at any time.
    The winning ice house can use it as marketing without having deserved it.

  6. I would like to nominate the Waffle Baker Nyhavn
    They definitely make Denmark's best ice cream waffles

  7. Ole Fog

    Super ice house

  8. Poul Højgaard Jensen

    I vote for Havne Kiosken in Skive
    As it is the area's best ice cream shop

  9. Hi,

    we have just started a new ice house in Faaborg (start-up on 26.3.), and were not aware that this competition took place. We make homemade ice cream with homemade toppings, and would really like to be among the nominees, even though the deadline was yesterday.

    Our name is Magasingaarden, and we have the following address:
    Torvet 17
    5600 Faaborg

    In advance thank you.

  10. Eli delouya

    Will nominate
    Ami ice cream bar on the hill
    With 40 kinds of homemade ice cream and 4 kinds of homemade Soft ice. All served in freshly baked waffle.
    Furthermore, they have freshly made steam, made all day.

  11. Discover Denmark's editorial staff

    Hi Tahir.
    Unfortunately it is not possible to nominate ice houses anymore. This must be done before voting begins.

  12. Tahir Iqbal

    Hi there
    Is it possible for Stadivæk to be written up for this ice house competition 2020?

    I would very much like my ice cream parlor to join.

  13. Peter Andersen

    The best will be Burger Corner in Odsherred. It is the best, so now vote for the next best.

  14. Johnny

    Agree, makes no sense that a place that uses fresh ice cream can win over homemade ice cream, and should it be "buy" ice cream they sell it should at least be quality ice cream. one can buy one for.

  15. Julie Refsgaard


    My favorite is Ishuset at Marselisborg Harbour, it is worth a visit.
    And also Dolce Vita at Trøjborg.

  16. Mikkel

    Vaffelbageriet in Fjellerup is missing from the list.

  17. The editors

    Hi Niels. That is true, we just need to visit the place first.

  18. Niels Jørgen Korsholm


    You need some current pictures of Denmark's Best Ice Cream Parlor.

  19. Niels Jørgen Korsholm


    Doesn't the pictures of Det Blå Ishus need to be changed to pictures of Guf & Kugler?

  20. Oliver Bugg

    Chris and Marios in Nexø and Gudhjem beat them all. They use pure ingredients, no filler. Greek tradition + the sunshine island = pure love.

  21. Christian

    They may be hard to get around, but they succeeded. We often drove 40 minutes for them when we lived in Aarhus until they opened in Risskov 🙂

  22. Adam Milborg

    Wrappers! New, good and delicious concept of homemade pancakes being rolled! Check out the page and see!

  23. Jette

    The ice cream parlor at Nysted Mole.

  24. Johnny

    It just plain ice cream, so nothing super special there. Have just been there today and my son got one with the whole pig and I 2 half balls. But flavors are far from ice cream. But in contrast, Amager beach is a great place to go for a walk while eating ice cream

  25. Lene lillelund

    Ismageriet Amager is the best place to get ice cream.

  26. Henrik Lauritsen

    I'm travelling home from Australia only to get an ice cream at Guf & Kugler in Nibe - great service and atmosphere at the harbour.

  27. Jytte

    Well, that's the industry ice cream is getting into the waffles. The ice cream shops must / should then produce the ice cream themselves to be included.

  28. Inge Holmberg Frandsen

    Det Blå Ishus in Tversted serves the best ice cream.

  29. The editors

    We are already gearing up for next year, Lone, so everyone can join us well in advance 🙂

  30. Mills

    T. - Come by Nibe and check out how many people in the queue actually come from the city / area. That's not a lot, because Guf & Kugler draws customers from a geographically very large area.

  31. Morten vs. Nielsen

    At Lenette in Øster Hurup you get the best ice cream.

  32. Lone

    Although it is late I miss the beach tide on Amager Strand. But then you remember it for next year! 2 half with it all .. mums we love them❤️

  33. Susan Nørgaard

    Vaffelhjørnet in Hundested

  34. Susan Nørgaard

    Vaffelhjørnet in Hundested

  35. Annie Goldager Malaca

    Guf og Kugler in Nibe. Unmatched service. Definitely a first place for this lovely place.

  36. Ann-Britt

    You've obviously never been to Guf and bullets in Nibe. They make fun of themselves, and collaborate with web groups and kastbergs to make ice cream variants that are only found in their ice cream parlor. So they don't get ice cream you can buy in a supermarket. In addition, they have Denmark's sweetest ice cream lovers

  37. Jane

    I haven't been able to vote for Ismageriet. Neither yesterday Wednesday nor today?
    Hope that in the future there are only places that make their own ice cream in the poll. Otherwise it's a little silly :)

  38. Jane

    I'm not able to vote today, thursday?

  39. Susanne

    We love the ice cream from Frederiksberg Chokolade.

  40. Erika Sørensen

    You get the best ice cream at Palmestrandens Ishus.

  41. Lene starcke

    Det Blå Ishus in Tversted has the best ice cream!
    I will definitely vote for them as number one.

    Ryå Is is the second best.

  42. Ulla

    Guf & Kugler in Nibe are the best; exquisite taste, outstanding quality, unmatched selection, unique service and unmistakably good mood 🙂

  43. alice estergaard

    Det Blå Ishus in Tversted is the best. The queue is long during the dummer, but i can recommend it.

  44. Lone Thomsen

    Langesø Vaffelhus is the absolute best in Denmark because they are based on organic and fresh ingredients, and have a lot of homemade products, among other things. Their many different kinds of 'guf' made from organic cane sugar and real berries, Polynesian vanilla, licorice rum and many others. FRESH REAL EXPRESSO COFFEE in many varieties, they also have homemade apple cake and other cake variants, pancakes and more.
    A place for the whole family regardless of age and in great surroundings.

  45. Kirsten Hertz

    Guf og Kugler serve amazing ice cream. Staff serves with a big smile and good mood. You leave with a happy stomach and good mood.

  46. Ulrik

    According to me, Chris & Mario in Gudhjem and Nexø on Bornholm is the country's absolute best place to get ice cream.

  47. Bo Christensen

    No doubt whatsoever - Det Blå Ishus in Tversted - others don't stand a chance :)

  48. Pia Andersen

    Isvaflen in Ribe serves the most delicious homemade cones.

  49. Mette Krogh

    You always get the best service from smiling staff. When we buy ice cream in rainy weather, you can go into their cozy cafe they added last year, here that make delicious homemade bake goods. Try SØRUP ISHUS, they are worth a visit.

  50. Jesper

    Nivå Havn Is & Grill is missing from the list :o

  51. Signe

    Mrs. DAX Romo

  52. Lene

    Best ice cream!

  53. Irene lauridsen

    You get the best ice cream at Havnegrillen in Havnsø.

  54. Mogens Jellesen

    Café Underground on Samsø is missing from the list.

  55. Vivian M Christensen

    Addition to my previous comment - the place on Anholt is called Ishuset Anholt & Anholt Gourmethotdog.

  56. Vivian M Christensen

    The 2018-list is missing two important places: Isoteket in Randersgade, Copenhagen and Al'gots Is & Gourmet at the harbour on Anholt. I will not vote before they are on the list :)

  57. Ulla Quistgaard

    Definitely Circus Is at Stillinge Strand Slagelse. Cozy place and the best ice cream and more.
    This has become the place where vi begin the summer. Previously it was at Enø Karrebæksminde, but they have been replaced.

  58. Tine Germundsson

    Ismageriet in Søborg - because the ice cream is extraordinarily delicious and because they are open all year. Aesthetically delicious and tasteful shop - the place that good people comes to regardless of the temperature outside.


    Kerteminde has the best ice cream parlor. If I win I want to share with my friend.

  60. Karina Jensen

    Ismageriet on Amager and in Søborg have the best ice cream.

  61. Social Food in Ordrup is definitely the best in Copenhagen and the surrounding area.
    They are missing from the list!
    Check it out and have a taste!

  62. The editors

    Then it is good that you have the right to look somewhere else "T." and have your own opinion on where the best ice cream parlor is 🙂

  63. Charlotte Bardy eyes

    Ismageriet Amager - best ice cream parlor ever

  64. Charlotte Aaen

    Ismageriet Amager - best ice cream parlor ever

  65. T.

    The voting is based on cheating and unfair conditions:
    The place in Nibe has more votes that there are people in the city, TV2 is broadcasting from the place at Amager and lots of votes seem like cheating.

  66. Mona Sørensen

    Good old fashioned ice cream - and an amazing view from the dune by the ice cream parlor

  67. Dorte Marinussen

    The freshly baked cone is the best

  68. True Rye

    Next year we have to remember Iscafeen in Skagen. They serve delicious ice cream and other things

  69. Lea

    Iskompagniet in Løkken - made from milk from Sønderhaven - fresh fruit

  70. Sørine Bladt

    Isvaflen in Ribe

  71. Karin Boldt

    Storhaven on Læsø make very delicious ice cream. All sorts!

  72. Kirsten Klitgaard

    You get fantastic ice cream, but also a total awareness of giving you the ultimate ice cream, even though the queue is several meters long ❤️

  73. Pascal Blanchet

    Chocolate ice cream without compromise. It doesn't get any better.

  74. hanne

    Great and big ice cream cones - and delicious food that can be enjoyed both inside and out - and every Wednesday in July there is really good music with Rene Franz (known from DANSKTOPPEN).
    In addition, the Waffle Bakery is located directly to the nice beach and bathing bridge.
    Try it!

  75. The editors

    Hi michael. You cannot vote countless times. In general, one can vote once per IP address. Depending on your settings, you may be allowed to tick off the boxes again, but the voice will only be accepted if the IP address is unique.

  76. Annette

    Hey ... you are clearly missing the Havnekiosken at Roskilde Harbor ... we are many people who like to stand in line to buy ice cream here every Tuesday night all summer.
    Regards from a linedancer

  77. Michael

    Isn't it unprofessional that you can vote countless times. It seems foolish to me.

  78. Per T Jensen

    It is impossible to take this seriously

  79. Kamilla B. Thrysøe

    Delicious, delicious flavors found only in Nibe - the chocolate / licorice ice cream are SO amazing, and they have a unique delicious chocolate softice with real Belgian chocolate, not to mention the home-made liquorice 'guf' and the delicious candy topping. No one above 🙂

  80. The list is missing Artistico in Espergærde. They serve handmade italien ice cream

  81. Katja Nielsen

    My vote goes to Fjellerup vaffelbageri because they serve ice cream of good quality, size and taste and then they have a great service with smile on their lips regardless of the hustle and bustle.

  82. Anders Bierbaum

    I can't vote, Fjordens Perle in Sønderhav is not on the list, hurry up and have it added so Annie's Kiosk can get some competition ☺

  83. Aase Nordtorp

    Super delicious homemade ice cream cones. Certainly deserves a 1st place.

  84. How about Fjordens Perle in Sønderhav?
    It is the oldest and only real hot dog stand / ice cream parlor in the Sønderhav now that the new junk has come up.

  85. Leif Ingemann

    Can't see Sonny Boy Is, located at Holbæk Marina on the list. They make the best homemade cones in Denmark. Worth a visit !

  86. Line Leth

    The list is missing Rørvig Færgekiosk. That has to be a mistake.

  87. Mikael Wolffbrandt

    Always friendly service and great ice cream.

  88. Simon Krogh

    How is it possible that Guf & Kugler is in 2nd place? Dont they just serve ice cream from the supermarket?

  89. Carsten Bo Nielsen

    The list is missing Mikkelborg Is in Mikkelborg on Strandvejen between Rungsted and Humlebæk and also Brostræde Is in Helsingør!

  90. Lars

    I noticed a place that deserves to be on the list.
    Iscafeen in Hvide Sande. Stormgade 4, 6960 Hvide Sande.

  91. Lone

    I have written Paradis Iscafe in Holbæk on the list, why has it not come up so you can vote on it ??? Delicious freshly made ice cream!

  92. Hi,,
    thank you for your initiative to put Denmark's best ice cream parlors on the map.
    Unfortunately there is a white spot in Ringkøbing, where Vaffelboden has been at Torvet for the last 34 years!
    We are known for our delicious softice and old-fashioned ice cream in homemade cones and with homemade 'guf'

    Vaffelboden has for approx. 20 years been delivering 30 meters of softice - completely free of charge.
    This year it is July 19. where we again deliver the "item". Unfortunately, it has never happened that all the other good Danish ice cream parlors will challenge us to become the Danish champion in this category.

    The square 8
    6950 Ringkøbing

  93. Pia Rønne

    Fjellerup Vaffelbageri
    First, the cones are freshly baked, and she sits and bakes them inside where you can see it, and then you get lots of ice cream and a large selection. And they have a great, polite and fast staff, so even though there is a queue far out on the road, things go really fast. Highly recommended, but be aware that two scoops may be more than you can eat. 😉

  94. Lis

    Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde

  95. Annie Fager

    Not to forget
    Amis Isbar at Dyrehavsbakken where everything is homemade and the selection is amazing.

  96. Anders Søndergaard Jensen

    The Waffle Corner in Hundested is definitely the best ice cream parlor in Denmark.
    Homemade waffles, ice cream and sauces!

  97. Alberta Kjeldsen

    We are a little sorry not to be nominated because we have a reputation for being the best ice cream parlor in Odense, and people love our popular homemade 'guf' and the cozy atmosphere.
    We are called Skovkiosken Læssøegade or Orlas Ishus.

    The disappointed ice cream girls

  98. Christina

    I wonder why Iscafeen in Marielyst is not on the list, as it has been voted the best ice cream parlor of the year. Disappointing. But they definitely get my vote again this year.

  99. Tina Bollerslev

    I love Cafe Midtpunkt and their ice cream! The chocolate cake is superb!

  100. Anne-Marie Svane

    Vebbestrup Is is the best!

  101. Kurt Ktistensen

    Skovgrillen in Middelfart serve delicious Italian ice cream, it is pure bliss, when we were there on Sunday there was a long queue, but it went pretty fast, 5 girls to serve

  102. Inge Conradsen

    Guf & Kugler is amazing! :)

  103. Tina Benkjær

    Gammelbro Camping makes good ice cream

  104. Lauridsen

    KERTEMINDE - I absolutely love their homemade cones with the best ice cream and softice.
    There is no here in France that serve better ice cream - I will visit as soon as I'm back on Funen.
    Bisous Lene

  105. Anne Bækgård

    I wanted to vote for Lille Ice Factory in Slagslunde, but can't see it on the list?

  106. Mogens Bondeven Sørensen

    Storhaven on Læsø

  107. Bente K. Petersen

    I'm missing Snaptun Havnecafe on the list?

  108. odd hugs

    Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde, great delicious ice cream cones, lovely staff, and always a long queue outside all summer, but we gladly wait until it is our turn

  109. The editors

    Have you looked at the mentioned news media websites? Lorry published their article at 7 AM. Thats your explanation for the many sudden votes.
    We highly doubt that anyone will bother to cheat on winning an ice cream parlor poll, but we will of course check up on the cases once the vote has ended.
    We use a professional voting program called TotalPoll. Feel free to review their documentation for security.
    Have a great weekend.

  110. Mie Andersen

    Choco mey ICE Vordingborg

  111. Martin maths

    Uhhh it's not going to hold water as many providers and companies use the same ip and someone uses it together with carrier grade night so all their customers come from the same ip so how handle it and the many votes were before it was sent in TV. Most of the boost happened this morning and until lunch they went up by 800 in just two hours.

  112. Rikke

    Of course the best is Slotsisen in Kolding.
    Superb service and great people.

  113. L. Barnby

    I would like to share with Anya Barnby, Daniel Christensen and Isabella.

  114. The editors

    Hi Martin
    Thank you for your concern.
    We have several blocks set up, so even if you can easily use private browsing to choose yout favorite again, it won't count. Only one vote pr. IP.
    The answer to why an ice cream parlor can get many votes in a short period of time, you will find, among other things, on TV2 Lorry and TV East.
    When the poll ends, we review the poll to further ensure that no one has cheated.

  115. Ingrid Andersen

    It is only truly spring when the first ice cream of the year is eaten at the best ice cream parlor I know - Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde

  116. Martin Mathiassen

    Your competition for the best ice cream is no longer valid there is too much cheating how can an ice cream parlor get 1500 votes in a few hours without getting past your cookies or vote via private browsing then you can vote as many times as you like it seems more like whether you have built a script or Marco then bypasses the security measures you have made maybe you should check your systems they do not work according to your intention

  117. Nina Jakobsen

    Læsø Is :)

  118. Dorthe Ulrich

    Definitely Ismageriet on Amager.
    Great experience with great taste and service

  119. Anne-Dorthe Wilms

    Iskutteren at the harbour in Præstø

  120. Dina Kristensen

    Iskutteren in Præstø has to be on the list

  121. Ida

    Vaffelhjørnet in Hundested serves homemade cones, ice cream and more!

  122. Ida

    Just my words!

    I grew up in Hundested where the Waffle Corner lies and they make waffles, ice cream and steam themselves.
    Never buy ice waffles at ice houses where it is not made by yourself.

    Yours, Ida

  123. Empty

    Ishjørnet in Skagen is just the best place

  124. Majken

    It's where you can vote

  125. Ditte Christensen

    Rajisimo on Strøget and in Nyhavn, Kongelundsvej and in Dragør should be on the list. They make the best homemade cones and the best ice cream in Copenhagen :)

  126. Connie Bragenholt Hansen

    Guf & Kugler in Nibe
    The place where the ice cream is a lot better and the service is always personal and superb!

  127. Kirsten

    I'm voting for Frøken Frost in Viborg.
    It's so crazy what they can do at that small ice cream shop! Always a lot of flavors, it always looks fresh and inviting. Am absolutely crazy about their elderflower and their mango ice cream! yummy

  128. Margrethe Rasmussen

    Det Blå Ishus in Tversted is the best ☀️

  129. Jan Rune

    We are also sorry about this: Tirsbæk kiosk, Strandvejen 175, Vejle. In 2015, we were voted the best ice house in the Velje area. But we manage anyway. I'll drop in next time heg comes by

  130. Morten Nielsen

    Visit Hos Lenette in Øster Hurup - her ice cream is great

  131. Anette lauritsen

    Henne Strand Ishus is a great place

  132. Storhaven on Læsø

  133. Lene

    Where is Havegrillen in Bønnerup? They have delicious ice cream..

  134. Niels Sørensen

    Fjellerup Vaffelbageri serves the best and biggest ice cream

  135. Preben sirensen

    the best ice cream ???? None of the top 3 make their own ice cream. Go to the supermarket and buy the ice cream, nothing delicious or special about it. who chooses Vebbestrup and prremier is? Instead of freshly made ice cream? There are so many good places in Denmark that make good ice cream. Also, the top 3 in here are industrial ice creams made from bad ingredients to keep the price down so they can be in the supermarket, and packed with additives so it can't spoil and stay good for years

  136. The editors

    Nørrekås is with 🙂

  137. The editors

    But isn't it at Storhaven, Læsø Ice is made, Emilie? They are on the list 🙂

  138. Emilie Viola Baden Hansen

    You are missing Læsø ice cream! They make all their ice cream themselves and then they make the best homemade blackcurrant softice which is SO popular with both guests and islanders! 😉

  139. Mikkel Hass

    I ate lots of softies in the 1950s at the Storms ice cream parlor on Ordrupvej in, yes, Ordrup.

  140. Anja

    Always many different kinds of ice cream

  141. Turi Berg

    Add Nørrekås Ice House Rønne
    They make the best, freshest and natural ice cream you can find in Dk

  142. The editors

    Hi Linette. Frederiksberg Chocolate is now on the list 🙂

  143. Jette knudsen

    The waffle house in candlestick

  144. Jette knudsen

    Waffle House in candlelight

  145. Frederiksberg Chocolate makes the best homemade ice cream made from the best ingredients. In addition, delicious homemade cream buns and sauces.

  146. Lene Thymann

    You can wait a long time to get Denmark's best ice cream at the Blue Ice House in Tversted

  147. So Mammis Gelato in Aarhus is definitely missing.
    Haven't gotten any better ice cream elsewhere

  148. Per larsen

    Do not understand that people vote for Guf & balls and the blue ice house and all the others who sell factory ice cream that is filled with the additives. Which I would call poor quality. It is quite plain ice cream that you can buy in the Danish supermarket. There is only one purpose that could last as long as possible. There are far better places on the list that make the ice cream themselves and have a much higher quality. Just my opinion But now I've worked on that too. Since I'm a dairy

  149. Why is Esbjerg's best ice cream bar not with gelato di natura esbjerg is my choice.

  150. Christian Tofteby

    It's just, quite simply, MEGA good

  151. Christian Tofteby

    Ryå ice cream, Åbybro Dairy

  152. Ulrik

    There are also missing boats
    Hunter Price Ice, 3630 Hunter Price.
    Poulsen's Ice House, 3630 Hunter's Price

  153. Gitte Havmøller

    The Weapon House in Kerteminde, is the best ice cream you can get.

  154. Mette

    You should have added Rajissimo (Amager and the iron, Kbh) to the list. It's really delicious ice cream!

  155. Erik Jacobsen

    Seemed the Ice Corner in Skagen to be on the list, they make really good ice cream in homemade waffles and the best homemade scent.
    And then there is always good service and a nice smile on the lip

  156. Nørrekås Ishus, which started last year, should be included in the list, fantastic ice cream they have

  157. Where is the & #8220; Slotsisen & #8221; in Kolding, however, got rid of. Wonderful homemade waffles and amazing div. Mutual.

  158. Lene Nielsen

    Palm Beach Ice House
    Delicious ice cream and waffles overlooking palm trees and sea

  159. Susanne

    Delicious ice cream, always sweet and helpful serving and great surroundings 🙂

  160. The editors

    Hi Jeanett
    They were added earlier in the day and have already gained some votes 🙂

  161. Jeanett Pietens

    Although we are many who have added & #8220; Garden owner & #8221; Strandcafe, Gudmindrup Strand it is not on the list & #8211; Want to check it out 🙂

  162. Lars

    It is & #8220; The Yellow Ice House & #8221; in Liseleje
    They have the best ice cream & #8230; Hansens Is

  163. Flemming

    The ice cream factory is super & #8211; But sorry they didn't get my vote after they moved & #8230; & #8230; Build customer base in a local area and then move & #8230;

  164. Ian

    Great list!

    I'm also a big proponent of making it myself and using recipes from Arla, Coop, etc. but you can also find a good one on Italian ice cream here:

  165. Alicia Hansen

    Go food and nice place

  166. The editors

    Hi Andreas. We are so sorry to receive your addition and put Choco Mey Ice on the list. We just get a lot of additions, so there may be some waiting time to get new places on the list. Thanks for your tip! 🙂

  167. The editors

    Hi Simone. Giovanni & #8217; s is now in the list 🙂

  168. The editors

    Hi Bodil. We have now added the Ice Waffle in Ribe. Thanks for your tip!

  169. The editors

    Hi Marianne. We get a lot of suggestions, so it may take some time before new places are on the list. We have added Giovanni & #8217; s. Thanks for your tip!

  170. Marianne grove

    I'm surprised Giovanni's not on the list!
    Real homemade organic freshly made ice cream in Hillerød on Slotsgade 57A.
    54 has given ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Now you can also buy Bubble Waffle umhhhh

  171. Bodil

    Yesterday I suggested the Ice Waffle in Ribe, but it's not on the list so you can vote on it?

  172. Marianne grove

    I'm surprised Giovanni's not on the list! ☕️
    Real homemade organic freshly made ice cream in Hillerød on Slotsgade 57A.
    54 has given ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Now you can also buy Bubble Waffle umhhhh

  173. Simone Lund Niebuhr

    We GiovanniS in Hillerød also hope to be on the list this year.
    Simone and Giovanni from
    Slotsgade 57A
    3400 Hillerød

  174. Maria Sichan

    Il Gusto, Odense

  175. Doris Cato Jensen

    Super nice place.

  176. Andreas.Ej

    Hmmm, .. then one waits nicely for one's voice to be approved, but nothing comes, ..
    CHOCO MEY ICE in Vordingborg is missing from the list and apparently I am not allowed to add them, & #8230; despite making long queues each year <3

  177. Anne-Marie Harring-Lund

    “Bornholm Ice Dairy” in Svaneke.

  178. Anne-Marie Harring-Lund

    You are definitely missing Bornholm Ice Cream in Svaneke.
    The best thing about Bornholm.

  179. Charlotte

    Paradise ice cream in Ebeltoft making their ice cream every day & #8230;

    Dolce Vita in Aarhus which has amazing homemade Italian ice cream & #8230;

    Both are our favorites and as locals from Ebeltoft it's always paradise & #8230; no one else & #8230;

  180. Mikkel Pedersen

    I don't understand that Marina's Kitchen is not on the list because if there is something good then it is
    That there are double balls of ice and the steamed foam is made at home

  181. Marie Knudsen

    Havnens Café & Isbar in Juelsminde with 5 different kinds of softices, 40 different kinds of ice-cream, 10 kinds of sprinkles, 3 kinds of warm coating, Denmark's best flavor, the world's sweetest ice-queens, fantastic bell unit, homemade Italian ice cream, etc.

  182. Gudhjem Special in Bornholm

  183. Elvin Frandsen

    The Palm Beach Ice House is definitely missing from the list
    Here you can get GREAT ice cream with homemade steam

  184. Annette Kjeldsen

    Fjellerup Waffle Bakery has the best ice cream

  185. Mikkel Sørensen

    The Ice Company in Løkken is the best ice cream, everything is homemade there. Have eaten many ice cream and no one can compare their ice cream

  186. Charlotte

    Beautiful surroundings, great service fantastic good ice cream, kids' paradise ;-)

  187. Christian Lindeskov

    Super ice cream and atmosphere at Circus Is.

  188. Lotte

    Grønvangens barbecue in Randers

  189. Gelato Di Natura Esbjerg is also not on the list. A new exclusive dessert café with the best and most delicious genuine Italian ice cream in Kongensgade in Esbjerg. Gelateria & #8217; one can also be found in Mallorca, Dublin and of course 3 places in Venice if you visit the edges.

  190. The editors

    Hi Katja

    They are added to the list now 🙂

  191. Mette

    Jaaaaaa ❤

  192. Katja

    Enø Bakery is missing from the list, ice cream made from the store from scratch, with pure ingredients and organic milk sourced directly from the farmer. And then it lies in beautiful surroundings by the water.

  193. Morten

    We in Ringsted, have the original Lydolph & #8230; As in & #8220; him & #8221;, which f ** king almost brought Softice to Denmark. The operation is legendary & #8211; like him who started it all.

  194. Camilla Nordahl

    The Old Garden Fredriksdal is an ice house that is 50 years old with history. beautiful view and cozy, right in the butter hole between Furesø, Lyngby Lake and Bagsvaerd Lake.

  195. Helle petersen

    I definitely think the pancake house in Karrebæksminde should be on the list, they have delicious pancakes with ice cream and much more. ❤️

  196. The editors

    Aren't you the ones you see at the top, Anne Marie?

  197. Anne Marie

    hi i dont see audioolhs in ringsted

  198. Connie faxes

    you get the best ice cream from the baker in Karrebæksminde and then he makes it himself so it is homemade delicious

  199. Lisbeth Stentoft

    You totally forgot to write Enø bakery in the list & #8230;

    They make the most delicious ice cream on milk from & #8220; Larch & #8221; & #8230; a local eco-dairy farmer

  200. Nina

    Enø Bakery, Karrebæksminde should definitely also be on the list.

  201. Frank Jørgensen

    Jægerspris ice cream in Jægerspris serves the most beautiful ice cream, and six kinds of flavor. It's mummy.

  202. Helle Hansen

    The Waffle House Kerteminde of course

  203. HL

    Aroma Ice, Ærøskøbing would get my vote.

  204. Ida

    The Waffle Corner in Hundested is by far the best ice cream parlor in Denmark. Homemade ice cream and homemade waffles !!!

  205. Casper

    Strange that none of the Paradise stores are mentioned.
    Always seemed to have such a long queue at the Hellerup and Nørrebro store and in my opinion definitely the best ice cream you can get in DK

  206. Susanne Heinrich

    I would like to highlight the beach tide on Amager Strand Road.
    2 half balls with the whole slaughterhouse (softice, sausage, whipped cream, whipped cream and jam) kr 35.
    Homemade ice cream with different flavors and sweet people behind the counter.

  207. Michael Alexis

    Would highly recommend the ice house heron on the harbor heron in Hundred harbor. Good ice cream, homemade steam, smiling service. Good playground as well as a nice mini golf course.

  208. Manja

    We are very sorry not to be mentioned. Selma's homemade ice cream is located in Helsingør and Hellerup and we make fresh ice cream daily for our customers of the best ingredients. We make our ice cream on eco raw materials and our scent is also homemade.
    Selmas Is

  209. ChristianH

    Kalas in Allinge on Bornholm is Denmark's friendliest and best ice cream parlor. It also has the undeniably best view. The ice cream is made fresh every morning and their cinnamon spins are not stupid either.

  210. Helle Freimodt

    Good places are mentioned & #8230; and now also: The Blue Ice House in the square in Faaborg! When we are in the area, we end up with an ice cream in them! Weird people and then they have the most-wonderful ice cream, Italian and Danish. Is 100 years and an ice cream cake about choosing 🙂 & #8230; Greetings from Zealand.

  211. Maren Strøm Halfstad

    The Waffle House in Øster Hurup

  212. Karina Damvig

    Of course the Waffle House in Øster Hurup.

  213. Johnny Høgh

    The Palm Beach Ice House in Frederikshavn

  214. Helge Jørgensen

    I miss & #8220; The Blue Goat & #8221; in Ordrup (4540 Fårevejle) in the list. I vote for it!

  215. Britta Jensen

    Nibe and bullets in Nibe & #8211; highly addictive

  216. Heidi Greve

    Nuggets and balls in Nibe are the navel of the world if you are to have a delicious Nugget ❤

  217. Jesper K Madsen

    Guf & Kugler in Nibe

  218. Bright, evil earth

    Votes at The Blue Ice House in Tversted

  219. Tove Gundersen

    Nuts and balls at the port of Nibe. The licorice ice cream is super good.

  220. Ida Hansen

    Okkels ice cream, Silkeborg has Denmark's best ice cream, I thought they were missing on the ice card.

  221. Bjarne Vajhøj

    There Blue Ice House Tversted

  222. Inge Damgaard

    I definitely vote for The Blue Ice House in Tversted. Why do I do that, you think. Because of the delicious and plentiful waffle in the absolutely stunning location. The service is quick and friendly, however, on a busy sunny day, there is still time for a little chat with other customers in the queue, while we stand with warm sand between our toes and wait for it to be our turn. Ice cream in Tversted, it's Danish summer☺

  223. Helle Kjelgaard Johst

    The Blue Ice House in Tversted. Ultimately the best vapor in Denmark.

  224. Hanne Horne

    The blue ice house in Tversted has the best ice cream and steam

  225. Erik Skak

    Why is the Waffle in Blokhus not on your list? Here you get the best homemade waffles and homemade scents.


  226. Jette nielsen

    Lilleheden cafe and restaurant small ice house on the green space in Hirtshals

  227. Peter Trolle Jakobsen

    The Blue Ice House in Tversted, clearly, has been trading there since 1955.

  228. Jørgen Simonsen

    The Blue Ice House, Tversted

  229. susanne kjelgaard

    the blue ice house across

  230. Rita Merete Hansen

    Nicks and balls in Nibe

  231. Heidi Greve

    Nuggets and balls in Nibe are the place everyone should experience.
    So delicious ice cream with homemade different flavor and super delicious homemade crunch ..

  232. Karina

    Ice house in candlestick

  233. Voel Ice Dairy is also missing from your list.

  234. Else

    Nuts and balls at the port of Nibe. ❤ Here you can always find your favorite flavor

  235. Thomas Gruby

    Guts & Bullets, Nibe

  236. Rikke Schioldan Kjeldsen

    Will definitely vote for Guf and balls as it is a totally unique place to enjoy their ice cream. Ice nuts and ice creams always provide a good service and make the experience of a good ice cream better

  237. Randi monk Johannsen

    my vote clearly goes to Guf and Kugler at the port of Nibe. It is simply Denmark's best ice cream to date

  238. Lenette Old Mark

    Hi ☺
    We would really like to consider too.
    We opened At Lenette, ice cream shop in Øster is Hurup 2016 with great success and long queues. We sell Vebbestrup cream ice cream and softice in homemade waffles and with homemade steam. Our liquorice vapor is very popular. In addition, homemade pancakes and churros with softice. Our motto is & #8220; as sweet as in the old days & #8221; as our regular staff of 16 ice girls have milk girl suits on and the decor is nostalgic ☺

  239. We are also very disappointed not to be mentioned as we are known to have DK & #8217; s best flavor.
    We are among the Top 10 of Frisko's & #8217; s best selling locations, so we must also say sell well.
    Personally, I myself have been Ice Queen there for 33 years, so also have some experience 😉


    The harbor & #8217; s Café & Isbar, Juelsminde

  240. pernille

    I totally disagree & #8211; the best flavor in the country can be found in Juelsminde in Havnen & #8217; s Café & Isbar

  241. Jesper

    The ice cream factory Kongelundsvej is in a special class

  242. Per Uhrskov

    Kalas ice cream in Sandvig is absolutely superb

  243. Martin Nielsen

    The Munkholm Bridge at Holbæk is missing, and there is an ice house on each side of the bridge 🙂

  244. Cecilie

    The Blue Ice House

  245. Erik ludvigsen

    Ishuset hennestrand (the one at the tip) there is always free coffee if you come on MC Ice and goof is in top box

  246. Ole Rotbøll

    The Ice House at 6854 Henne Strand is missing from the list.

  247. Ernst Høhrmann

    The beach ice house in Sønderborg is definitely worth a visit

  248. The king

    How to get around Ertebølle camping in Farsø they probably make some of the best I've ever tasted

  249. Inge Hellmann

    Fjellerup Vaffelbageri

  250. The editors

    Hi Charlotte

    Votes and competition take place on Facebook, so this comment box is for people's own recommendations only.

    Mvh Lau / Discover Denmark

  251. Tinna Gunnersen

    The ice cream factory on Kongelundsvejen is without a doubt the best ice cream parlor in Denmark

  252. Jonna Jensen

    Ice Company in Løkken

  253. Jane Christiansen

    Nicks and balls in Nibe. Delicious ice cream and super serving

  254. Jane Christiansen

    Nicks and balls in Nibe. Their licorice and chocolate ice cream are delicious

  255. Silje

    The ice cream company in Løkken best ice cream I have ever tasted, also everything is homemade. We got vegan ice cream from there for my birthday, the best ice cream you could imagine. ❤ love ice cream.

  256. Charlotte Korsholm

    It seems that people are casting their votes on the best ice houses both in connection with this posting and likewise that of 21 Feb. & #8211; does it count in both places?
    In the 21/2 posting, the & #8220; old & #8221; posting from September
    Please Ismutter Charlotte from
    Guts & Bullets

  257. Mona Green Petersen

    The best ice cream is from Guf and Kugler in Nibe which tastes heavenly and I could eat one every day. Just the thought of it making your mouth run in water, I'm looking forward to them opening at Easter so I'll have one with Goofeluffe / raspberry / oatmeal / softice / cream bun / goofy / bolchekruns with rhubarb flavor and the tuff is of course homemade (it can get with licorice flavor)

  258. Connie Merete Hansen

    Nuts and balls in Nibe

  259. Lene Brøsted Meyer

    Guf and Kugler at Nibe harbor make the best ice cream with licorice ice cream and crunch licorice candy as a sprinkle. A heavenly ice cream on a summer day in Nibe

  260. Randi

    The waffle house in Kerteminde has the best waffles and large ice balls at Jan and Tina

  261. Dorte

    Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde

  262. Susanne Henriksen

    The Waffle House in Kerteminde.

  263. Tina

    Who finds the ice houses mentioned here & #8230;
    Why is it the same every time & #8230;
    We are also very sad that we are not mentioned & #8230; The Waffle House Rudkøbing.

  264. The editors

    Hi Annette

    We've added you guys so our readers don't miss the opportunity for a guffeline. Thanks for the tip!

    Mvh the editorial staff

  265. We are a little sorry not to be in the list of the best ice houses, as we have been mentioned several times in the newspapers etc. as one of DK & #8217; s best ice cream bars. We have queues all summer and people come from far and wide to get a goofy line, our special ice cream with it all and not least homemade goof.

    The best greetings
    Annette Lydolph's Isbar Nakskov

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