Ice cream & Pancakes
The old grocery store in Udbyhøj had been empty for a few years.
Several merchants had taken turns trying to create a sustainable business in the city. Unsuccessfully.
But one day Helle and Per spotted the empty premises. The couple had had a business selling radio and TV equipment, which they closed in 2017, and now they were about to start a new adventure…
And precisely here in Udbyhøj they found what they were looking for; a place where they could try something different but still work together. The ideas sprouted and they decided to open an ice cream and pancake café in Udbyhøj.
On 2 July 2020, Helle and Per opened the doors to Is & Pandekager in Udbyhøj, and from day one there was pressure. In the first month and a half, they baked more than 5,500 pancakes and had to quickly hire staff to keep up.
They had no experience selling ice cream and pancakes, but have approached the task humbly and tenaciously. They have used their own recipes for pancakes, which Per has been making since he was 10 years old, as well as Helle's homemade guf. They have tasted a lot of different ice creams to finally find that Kastberg's gourmet ice cream was what they wanted to serve.
Today Is & Pandekager is a successful business that has once again brought life to Udbyhøj. In 2022, their diligence was rewarded with the Rural District Committee's Initiative Award in Randers Municipality.
That Helle and Per have created a local success that enjoys great support from their guests became clear in our vote for Denmark's Best Ice Houses 2023, where the relatively new ice house received a whopping 951 votes, which gave them the title of Central Jutland's Best Ice House 2023 and a nice 6th place nationally. Impressive.
Note that Helle also has a gallery; in the cafe, where you can see her artworks and find the good mood and smile while eating. Helle's motto is; Art with a smile.
So if you haven't yet tried Per's pancakes and Helle's homemade guf at a shop with Kastberg's gourmet ice cream, then it's just a matter of heading towards Udbyhøj.
Super ice cream and pancake
Super delicious pancake with ice cream.
The best I've ever had.