Every year, we at OpdagDanmark ask the Danes where to find them Denmark's Best Ice Cream Parlor. In this connection, we also find the best in the region, so you can see where you will find the best ice houses on Funen.

Below you can see winners and lists of the best places year by year.


Congratulations to:

Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde



{{participant.total_votes + (participant.total_votes == 1? 'vote': 'votes')}}


It's time again to find the country's best ice cream parlors, and as the weather gets better and ice cream parlors again start to open doors and weeds. Therefore, we are now also ready with dates that are as follows:

  • Nomination phase: Until April 8
  • Voting: April 9 at 12 - 22 April at 13

All the ice houses that get more than 250 votes get a place on the list and map of Denmark's best experiences.

It is strictly forbidden to distribute prizes and provide free services in connection with. the vote. See our rules here:

We have also created a graphic that the nominees can use for sharing online and offline:

The nominees you can vote for:


After an intense, nationwide vote in the period 9 - 22 April 2022, we can reveal the Funen winner:

Congratulations to:

Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde


The final top 3 as well as ice houses with more than 250 votes:

  1. Vaffelhuset in Kerteminde
  2. The Waffle House Rudkøbing
  3. The Blue Ice House, Faaborg
  4. Vildas Vaffelis
The final score ended as follows:


Congratulations to:

The Waffle House Rudkøbing


The final top 3 as well as ice houses with more than 250 votes:

  1. The Waffle House Rudkøbing
  2. The Little Waffle Bakery, Nyborg
  3. Skovgrillen, Middelfart

It's time again to find the country's best ice cream parlors, and as the weather improves and coronary restrictions are eased, the ice cream parlors can once again start slamming doors and hatches. Therefore, we are now also ready with dates that are as follows:

  • Nomination phase: Until 31 March at 16
  • Voting: March 31 at 16 - 14 April at 16

All the ice houses that get more than 250 votes get a place on the list and map of Denmark's best experiences.

It is strictly forbidden to distribute prizes and provide free services in connection with. the vote. See our rules here:

We have also created a graphic that the nominees can use for sharing online and offline:

The nominees you can vote for:


Congratulations to:

Funen's Best Ice House 2020

The final position and list of Funen ice houses that received more than 250 votes:

  1. The Waffle House, Kerteminde
  2. The Waffle House Rudkøbing
  3. The Little Waffle Bakery, Nyborg

Find the other regional polls here


The final position and ice houses with over 100 votes:

  1. The Waffle House, Kerteminde
  2. The Italian Ice Cream Shop, Kerteminde
  3. The Waffle House Rudkøbing
  4. Paradis Is, Odense
  5. The Little Waffle Bakery, Nyborg
  6. The waffle baker, Fåborg
  7. Langesø Waffle House, Morud
  8. Il Gusto, Odense
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Find the regional polls here


Nominate your favorite and tell us why they should win


  1. Susanne Nielsen

    I would just recommend Kitchen in Middelfart (the old karoline) here you get a super good softice and old-fashioned - super freshly whipped Guf and not least + that they bake the waffles themselves, sim is super crispy Mvh Susanne

  2. Tina

    Now several of my clients have approached… and wonder why their vote is not being registered…
    Has only 1 vote…
    Greetings Vaffelhuset Rudkøbing

  3. Kim

    Can see there is more about which it is popular, personally I have never gotten better ice cream than the Italian in Svendborg, paradise ice cream can not measure eg. But still has more voices. Despite the taste is weak and a selection that is not terribly impressive.

    So competitions like this one are not some I would base my choice of ice cream on.

  4. alice satfsen

    The ice cream waffles in Rudkøbing are the best

  5. Tina

    Ice 144 in Kerteminde when we are camping and Ice 140 when we are at home

    If you write here then the send SMS function does not work and you do not write which number you can send manually.

  6. Kjersti Andersen

    The waffle house Kerteminde the world's best waffles and sauces, they do not save on ice. Great service

  7. Sarah Alicia Sørensen


  8. Anne

    I would like to nominate Skovkiosken Hunderupskoven (Orla's red ice house) as Funen's best ice cream shop

  9. Christel Svensson

    Rantzausminde Grill & #8230 ;. These are clearly the best & #8230;

  10. The Green Café on Skibhusvej in Odense

  11. Bent

    The Green Café on Skibhusvej Odense C

  12. Jehan

    Is 143

  13. The editors

    Rather than like, Mia! Send the code to 92 45 24 04 🙂

  14. ib

    the waffle house in Rudkøbing makes the best ice cream

  15. Tarek

    Is .143

  16. Eva Kjærholm

    Would like to vote for Il Gusto in Odense, but the Send SMS button does not work ..

  17. Mia

    Want to reveal which number to send sms & #8217; one to?

  18. Anne Lohmann Henriksen

    The Waffle House in Kerteminde it never fails, service, ice cream, homemade waffles always worth a visit

  19. Anne Lohmann Henriksen

    the waffle house in Kerteminde lovely waffles, lovely ice cream and the service is always top notch

  20. Bente Pedersen

    The waffle house Faaborg makes the crispiest ice cream waffles and here comes delicious ice balls

  21. Raffaella

    Il Gusto Odense, authentic Italian

  22. Betina Lind Krarup

    Sure the Waffle House in Kerteminde! Freshly baked waffles that smell throughout the city, lots of delicious ice cream, and not least the sweet service

  23. Søren hansen

    The Waffle House in Overgade in Odense

    They always have freshly baked waffles, it highlights the ice even more

  24. Ib Silver Stream

    The Waffle House Rudkøbing.

  25. Simon

    Paradise is Odense
    Freshly made ice cream every day
    The inventor of Brunsviger ice cream and raspberry cut ice cream

  26. Tina Valbjørn

    Il gusto & #8211; Odense
    Nothing beats this ice cream sandwich!

  27. Anja

    Kerteminde mini golf

  28. Thomas Nielsen

    Paradise ice cream Odense should be on the list for innovation and taste!

    Fresh ice every day and the maker of ice cream ice cream, brownie ice cream and raspberry ice cream to mention just a few!

  29. Lucas

    The waffle house Rudkøbing the best ice cream waffle

  30. saturated his glove

    the waffle house in Kerteminde makes the best ice cream

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  1. Susanne Nielsen

    I would just recommend Kitchen in Middelfart (the old karoline) here you get a super good softice and old-fashioned - super freshly whipped Guf and not least + that they bake the waffles themselves, sim is super crispy Mvh Susanne

  2. Tina

    Now several of my clients have approached… and wonder why their vote is not being registered…
    Has only 1 vote…
    Greetings Vaffelhuset Rudkøbing

  3. Kim

    Can see there is more about which it is popular, personally I have never gotten better ice cream than the Italian in Svendborg, paradise ice cream can not measure eg. But still has more voices. Despite the taste is weak and a selection that is not terribly impressive.

    So competitions like this one are not some I would base my choice of ice cream on.

  4. alice satfsen

    The ice cream waffles in Rudkøbing are the best

  5. Tina

    Ice 144 in Kerteminde when we are camping and Ice 140 when we are at home

    If you write here then the send SMS function does not work and you do not write which number you can send manually.

  6. Kjersti Andersen

    The waffle house Kerteminde the world's best waffles and sauces, they do not save on ice. Great service

  7. Sarah Alicia Sørensen


  8. Anne

    I would like to nominate Skovkiosken Hunderupskoven (Orla's red ice house) as Funen's best ice cream shop

  9. Christel Svensson

    Rantzausminde Grill & #8230 ;. These are clearly the best & #8230;

  10. The Green Café on Skibhusvej in Odense

  11. Bent

    The Green Café on Skibhusvej Odense C

  12. Jehan

    Is 143

  13. The editors

    Rather than like, Mia! Send the code to 92 45 24 04 🙂

  14. ib

    the waffle house in Rudkøbing makes the best ice cream

  15. Tarek

    Is .143

  16. Eva Kjærholm

    Would like to vote for Il Gusto in Odense, but the Send SMS button does not work ..

  17. Mia

    Want to reveal which number to send sms & #8217; one to?

  18. Anne Lohmann Henriksen

    The Waffle House in Kerteminde it never fails, service, ice cream, homemade waffles always worth a visit

  19. Anne Lohmann Henriksen

    the waffle house in Kerteminde lovely waffles, lovely ice cream and the service is always top notch

  20. Bente Pedersen

    The waffle house Faaborg makes the crispiest ice cream waffles and here comes delicious ice balls

  21. Raffaella

    Il Gusto Odense, authentic Italian

  22. Betina Lind Krarup

    Sure the Waffle House in Kerteminde! Freshly baked waffles that smell throughout the city, lots of delicious ice cream, and not least the sweet service

  23. Søren hansen

    The Waffle House in Overgade in Odense

    They always have freshly baked waffles, it highlights the ice even more

  24. Ib Silver Stream

    The Waffle House Rudkøbing.

  25. Simon

    Paradise is Odense
    Freshly made ice cream every day
    The inventor of Brunsviger ice cream and raspberry cut ice cream

  26. Tina Valbjørn

    Il gusto & #8211; Odense
    Nothing beats this ice cream sandwich!

  27. Anja

    Kerteminde mini golf

  28. Thomas Nielsen

    Paradise ice cream Odense should be on the list for innovation and taste!

    Fresh ice every day and the maker of ice cream ice cream, brownie ice cream and raspberry ice cream to mention just a few!

  29. Lucas

    The waffle house Rudkøbing the best ice cream waffle

  30. saturated his glove

    the waffle house in Kerteminde makes the best ice cream

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