Michelin restaurants in Denmark 2024

Where can you find the restaurants in Denmark that are included in the Michelin Guide?

We have made a simple overview of this.

SPOT: Restaurant Villa West

For years, Villa Vest has been at the top when we award Denmark's Best Bathing Hotels, and we have been there countless times. We can only say that it was time for a Michelin star for this place, which in addition to a formidable kitchen also has probably Denmark's best view...

3 stars

Only very few restaurants worldwide achieve 3 stars, the maximum number of stars a restaurant can achieve.

In Denmark we have two of these, both in Copenhagen:

noma in Copenhagen

2 stars

Restaurants with 2 stars are described as restaurants that are worth a detour.

In Denmark we have 8 of these and 1 in Greenland:

1 star

21 Danish restaurants have achieved 1 Michelin star. These are:

Villa Vest, Lønstrup

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