Upcoming events on Læsø

Are you looking for an overview of events on Læsø?
Look no further.
We have made a map with a wealth of events, so you can easily get an overview of what's happening right now.
Below we have made a list of the major and recurring events that may be worth writing in the calendar.
Læsø Lobster Festival is held every year on the first Saturday in August. This has been done since 2004 (with the exception of 2020 due to corona), and it has become a particularly popular event in North Jutland. Taste "Læsø's Gold" and watch celebrities from home and abroad compete for "The Golden Lobster Claw".
Læsø is known for their unique seaweed roofs, whose cultural heritage is on the way to becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
For many years the houses stood and fell into disrepair, but since 2016 a large-scale restoration project with support from Realdania et al. brought new life to many of the houses. And since 2017, the houses and Læsø's cultural heritage have been celebrated with Tanghusenes Dag. The event takes place in the run up to the autumn holidays with guided tours, open house etc
If you don't have the opportunity to participate, you can always follow our digitally guided Tanghus routes.
Every year in week 30, the Læsø Art Festival is held. Here you can experience a multitude of lectures, concerts, workshops and performances. One
© Østerby Sports Association
For the first time in 2022, Salt Day was held on Læsø. The day offered a wide program where you could learn everything about salt. And salt in particular has historically had a great importance for the island and its inhabitants, and salt actually still plays a big role for the island.
© Læsø Tourist Office
The quay party already starts in the morning with coffee and banko, and the day continues with good music, food and activities for both young and old. In the evening, the party gets started with music on three different stages.
Experience the Cultural Festival with music, lectures and debates, etc. Taking place for the first time in 2023.
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