Rebild Bakker Route

Premium hiking route in beautiful Northern Jutland nature

The Rebild Bakker route is one of Denmark's best hiking routes. At least if one is to believe the Danish Hiking Association and the German Hiking Institute, both of which have awarded the route on the basis of strict quality requirements. The route is thus just one of four hiking routes in Denmark that have been let in through the Germans' quality control, and have been given the title as' Premium hiking route '.

discover the car at the rebild gate
Oda - Discover Denmark's public transport - parked at Rebildporten on a beautiful day in September 2020, where we tested the route

The hiking route, which takes its starting point at the Rebild Gate in Rebild National Park, is small 11 km in its full length, but you can shorten the route by two places and settle for a hike of 4 or 8 km (see map further down the page).

You can read our description of the hiking route below, but start by watching this nice video from Rebildporten:


If you need a map of the route and its highlights, you can use our digital map here:

Rebild Bakker highlights the route

If a hiking route is to be qualified to become a Premium Hiking Route at the German Hiking Institute, high demands are placed on the route's experiences along the way.


Rebild Bakker National Park

the gate to rebild national park
The gate to Rebild National Park, where the hiking route takes its starting point

We start at the highlight of the route - the National Park.

view of heather in bloom

Troldeskoven / Vælderskov

On the other side of Rebild Bakker, the landscape changes, and you now come down to Stendalen and the entrance to Vælderskov, where you will also find one of Denmark's best MTB tracks (part of the 10 Spiers). Therefore, one must prepare to share some of the trails with mountain bikers:

mountain bike trails
The Stendal trail marks the change between Rebild Bakker (right) and Vælderskov on the left)

When you enter Vælderskov, you will also find out why the forest is also called Troldeskoven. Here you meet some crooked trees, which is a very special sight:

trees stretching towards the sky


On the other side of Vælderskov, the scene changes again, and you now come out into open terrain with Rold Storkro on your left and the view of Gravlev Church.

Soon we will come to Ravnkilde, a beautiful spring you best pass through the paved stepping stones, if you want to be sure to get your dry shoe over…


Lars Kjærs Hus

lars kærs hus

At the foot of Rebild Bakker - and As one of the last highlights of the trip, you pass Lars Kjærs Hus, a small idyllic and thatched house at the foot of Rebild Bakker.

Lars Kjær was a poor poacher who lived here with his children and his wife, who was a fortune teller.

Lars fed his family by hunting game at night, but this was accepted by the locals precisely because the family was poor and only hunted for their own consumption.

You can take a short break and sit on the benches by the house before the last stretch goes up through the hills.

However, if you want to enter Lars Kjær's house, you can contact Rold Storkro, the restaurant you came across shortly before.

Map of the route

The Danish Nature Agency has made a nice map of the route, which you can see here (click to enlarge):

The route shows the Rebild Bakker route (white) in different lengths, while the yellow one is the route for Gravlev Ådal.

You can download the entire folder here.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I park / What is the address?
There is parking at Rebildporten, Rebildvej 25, 9520 Skørping.

Where can I find restaurants nearby?
There are restaurants on the route in the form of Rebild House and Top Karen's House, both located at the entrance to the national park.

Alternatively, you can dine at Rold StorKro, located at the foot of the hills.

Where can you stay nearby?
You can stay at Comwell Rebild Hills or the Danhostel Rebild hostel, both of which are right next to the Rebild Gate and the start of the route.

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