bakery rosette

In our quest to find Denmark's best bakeries, we also find the best places in the regions. Here you can vote for the best bakery on Zealand & islands.

Vote for your local bakery below and click through to the other regional polls.

Zealand and islands best bakery


The Danes have voted! Between December 11th and 17th, it was possible to vote for 84 bakeries spread across the Danish kingdom. Once again, we have been through a real horror until the end, which means that we can now choose the winners:

Congratulations to:

Ganløse Bakery


The final standings ended up as follows:


{{participant.total_votes + (participant.total_votes == 1? 'vote': 'votes')}}
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It's time once again to find out where to find the best bakeries in the kingdom. We are now ready with this year's program:

  • Nominations: Until and including 10 December
  • Voting: 11 December at 12.00 – 17 December at 13.00
Details of this year's poll:
  1. All the bakeries that receive over 250 votes get a place on the map of Denmark's best experiences. 
  2. 17 December at 1 p.m. we will choose the winners and top 3 for North Jutland, Central Jutland, South Jutland, Funen & Islands, Zealand & Islands and of course the whole of Denmark
  • The nominees can download a graphic that you can share online and offline, so it's easier to get votes. Download the graphics here
  • In order not to be about distributing the biggest prizes etc., it is strictly forbidden to distribute competitions, give discounts, tastings and the like.
    Read more in our rules here
The following applies while voting is underway 11 December at 12.00 – 17 December at 1 p.m
  1. Find your favorite from the list below when the poll is underway
  2. Press 'Send SMS' (on mobile phone)
  3. Send the sms (costs only normal sms rate).
  4. When you receive a “Thank you for your vote SMS ”, is yours vote talked to. Sometimes there may be a little delay in the answer, but it should probably come
  5. Get ours free app for iPhone and Android and get live update

The nominees you can vote for:

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Congratulations to:

Horslunde Bakery



{{participant.total_votes + (participant.total_votes == 1? 'vote': 'votes')}}
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The program for the 2021 vote is clear:

  • Nomination phase: Up to and including Wednesday 20 October
  • Voting: October 21 at 12.00 - 28 October at 12.00

Details of this year's poll:

  1. All the bakeries that get more than 250 votes get a place on our map of Denmark's best bakeries
  2. October 28 winners for North Jutland, Central Jutland, South Jutland, Funen, Zealand, Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg and of course all of Denmark
  3. In order not to be about distributing the biggest prizes etc., it is strictly forbidden to distribute competitions, give discounts, tastings and the like.
    Read more in our set of rules here:

Nominees can also download graphics to share online and offline that make it easier for people to vote. Get the graphic here.

Below you can see the nominees and vote for your favorite when the voting starts.

Congratulations to:

Ganløse Bakery


The vote ended as follows:

Ganløse Bakery, Stenløse1476
Kirstens Konditori, Copenhagen786
Jensens Bageri, Rønne601
Allé Konditoriet, Valby433
Olivers Bakery, Søborg282
Kagekassen Knapstrup, Mørkøv265
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The people have voted! Between 29 September and 13 October, more than 32,500 Danes used their mobile phones to cast their vote at their favorite bakery in 2020.

The popular votes have been counted and we now have 34 bakeries that have received more than 250 votes nationwide and thus also a pin on our map of the country's best bakeries.

… On Zealand & islands it ended like this:

Congratulations to:

Ganløse Bakery


This is what the final position will look like in 2020:

  1. Ganløse Bakery, Stenløse - 2234 votes
  2. Wiuffs Bakery, Brøndby - votes 1142 votes
  3. Kirstens Konditori, Copenhagen - 942 votes
  4. Jensens Bageri, Rønne - 613 votes
  5. Nysted Bakery - 588 votes
  6. Kagekassen Knapstrup, Mørkøv - 391 votes
  7. Nicolai's Bakery - 338 votes
  8. Michael H Konditoriet, Gentofte - 327 votes
  9. Eriks Bageri, Copenhagen - 290 votes
  10. Brødstedet, Gislinge - 271 votes
  11. Bodenhoffs Bageri, Frederiksberg - 267 votes
  12. Sejers Konditori, Sorø - 262 votes

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  1. Martin

    @Oluf Jensen
    “A small baker in a small village can easily be better. There are just not that many customers / votes. ”

    Ganløse is a village with less than 3000 inhabitants, so the small towns can easily be included as long as the baker is good enough.

    / Martin

  2. Mette jacobsen

    Nicolais Bagerri Køge

  3. maj-britt

    the bread place Gislinge because it is just the best bread tastes great

  4. Oluf Jensen

    This way of deciding the question has nothing to do with quality. It's a matter of having many customers. A small baker in a small village can easily be better. There are just not that many customers / votes.

  5. Regitze Frederiksen

    Baker Jensen Rønne absolute favorite

  6. Suzan

    The Wika baker in Køge is missing, I always have to take bread from the Wika baker when I go on coffee visits with my friends, and pick up bread myself when they visit me.

  7. I want to nominate Lejre Bageren as Denmark's best bakery. They make great bread and their rum balls are just SO good

  8. Center baker Tune is missing!

  9. Heidi Ravn

    Wiuffs bakery, nicest bread ever, tastes so the birds sing ❤️❤️❤️

  10. Marina Pedersen

    Homemade bakery, Marielyst, makes the best bread I have ever tasted.

  11. Signe

    What about Madam Eclair in Køge? They are lacking and are superb!

  12. Lisbeth Trillingsgaard

    Would like to normalize Horslunde Bageren on Lolland, he makes the best Shrovetide buns there, over 25 different and old-fashioned sift breads

  13. vicki M

    Bager Dam in Aakirkeby on bornholm is missing!

  14. Conni Andersen

    The old bakery in Maribo,
    Best baker in. Maribo

  15. Anne Mette

    Kirsten's bakery is definitely the best

  16. Farumhus is missing from the list

  17. Per Stoustrup

    Bagt, Jagtvej in Copenhagen is missing from the list. I would like to nominate it.

  18. Karina

    If you are near Guldbageren in Køge, I can only encourage you to stop by - fantastic delicious breads and cakes and make many new varieties

  19. Tommy

    The gold baker Køge is missing

  20. Svinninge bakery Just because

  21. Ingelise Trans

    Sejr's patisserie has Denmark's best rye bread❤️

  22. Anker Sortberg

    Best bread, really old fashioned bakery ❤️❤️❤️

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