bakery rosette

In our quest to find Denmark's best bakery, we also find the best places in the larger cities. Here you can vote for Odense's best bakery.

Vote for your local bakery below and click through to the other polls.

Odense's best bakery


The Danes have voted! Between December 11th and 17th, it was possible to vote for 84 bakeries spread across the Danish kingdom. Once again, we have been through a real horror until the end, which means that we can now choose the winners:

Congratulations to:

The star bakery


The final standings ended up as follows:

  1. The star bakery
  2. Wendorff
  3. Rise Bread
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It's time once again to find out where to find the best bakeries in the kingdom. We are now ready with this year's program:

  • Nominations: Until and including 10 December
  • Voting: 11 December at 12.00 – 17 December at 13.00
Details of this year's poll:
  1. All the bakeries that receive over 250 votes get a place on the map of Denmark's best experiences. 
  2. 17 December at 1 p.m. we will choose the winners and top 3 for North Jutland, Central Jutland, South Jutland, Funen & Islands, Zealand & Islands and of course the whole of Denmark
  • The nominees can download a graphic that you can share online and offline, so it's easier to get votes. Download the graphics here
  • In order not to be about distributing the biggest prizes etc., it is strictly forbidden to distribute competitions, give discounts, tastings and the like.
    Read more in our rules here
The following applies while voting is underway 11 December at 12.00 – 17 December at 1 p.m
  1. Find your favorite from the list below when the poll is underway
  2. Press 'Send SMS' (on mobile phone)
  3. Send the sms (costs only normal sms rate).
  4. When you receive a “Thank you for your vote SMS ”, is yours vote talked to. Sometimes there may be a little delay in the answer, but it should probably come
  5. Get ours free app for iPhone and Android and get live update

The nominees you can vote for:

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Congratulations to:



Top 3:

  1. Wendorff
  2. Esmann's Bakery
  3. The star bakery
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The program for the 2021 vote is clear:

  • Nomination phase: Up to and including Wednesday 20 October
  • Voting: October 21 at 12.00 - 28 October at 12.00

Details of this year's poll:

  1. All the bakeries that get more than 250 votes get a place on our map of Denmark's best bakeries
  2. October 28 winners for North Jutland, Central Jutland, South Jutland, Funen, Zealand, Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg and of course all of Denmark
  3. In order not to be about distributing the biggest prizes etc., it is strictly forbidden to distribute competitions, give discounts, tastings and the like.
    Read more in our set of rules here:

Nominees can also download graphics to share online and offline that make it easier for people to vote. Get the graphic here.

Below you can see the nominees and vote for your favorite when the voting starts.

Congratulations to:



The vote ended as follows:

Torvebageren, Odense SV98
Mrs. Lund Bakery, Odense SV45
Wendorff, Odense35
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The people have voted! Between 29 September and 13 October, more than 32,500 Danes used their mobile phones to cast their vote at their favorite bakery in 2020.

The popular votes have been counted and we now have 34 bakeries that have received more than 250 votes nationwide and thus also a pin on our map of the country's best bakeries.

… In Odense it ended like this:

Congratulations to:



This is what the final position will look like in 2020:

  1. Wendorff, Odense - 162 votes
  2. Torvebageren - 133 votes
  3. The grain baker - 130 votes

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  1. Michael W

    Wienerbageriet Døckerslund is the absolute best in Odense!

  2. Kenneth

    Precise. Everyone must join

  3. Janus

    BakerBoys in Tornbjerg must also join?

  4. Jacob Askham-Christensen

    You must have forgotten Rise's Bread. Their bread & pastries are simply excellent.

    It must be election fraud - it's an ommer

  5. Heidi Larsen

    Stjernebageren Rødegårdsvej .. he MUST be on the list❤️

  6. Troels Berg

    Korup bakery in Korup near Odense should definitely be on the list.

  7. Oluf Larsen

    Korup Bakery in Korup near Odense has the country's best brownies! I'm nominating down here.

  8. Kirsten Christensen

    Organic bakery, not better on Funen

  9. Pia Stes

    The organic bakery in Nørregade, Odense

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